Strategic partnerships for the end time global harvestMeet our missions partners
Dr Valerie Archer
Based at Kapuna, Valerie runs two hospitals (one at Kapuna and the other at Kikori), an elementary school, a Nurse training school, a Discipleship training school and a trading post. Her team also supervise village health centres in the region.
Kapuna Hospital is hidden deep in the jungle swamps of Papua New Guinea. Clinging tenaciously to the banks of the crocodile-infested Wame River, a tributary of the mighty Purari River, Kapuna is the only hospital within paddling distance for 30,000 PNG locals.
Pastor Moses Paulus
Based in Port Moresby, Moses travels extensively into the interiors of PNG preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. By God’s grace he is seeing many coming to Christ, being set free and walking in newness of life.
Moses’ new church
A week-long crusade in one of the roughest settlements in Port Moresby
14 people being baptised
Men & women receiving the Word of God